Preaching The Gospel

Sunday, November 30, 2008



Having lots of money without the ability to manage it can end in heartache. What does the Bible say about wisely managing your finances?
a. Make a habit of SAVING.
You need to save for the future of your family and for unexpected circumstances. It’s recommended you save at least 10% of your income every month.
 Try to save at least six months of income, then if you are forced to go without income you can still live.
 Open a special account for future school fees for your children.
 Save for your old age, so that you won’t need to depend on the compassion of others in your old age.
 An increase in salary doesn’t mean an increase in life style. Save the increase in salary and your bonuses. Added income means added savings, not expenses.
b. Don’t become a guarantor for someone else’s debt.
Becoming a guarantor for someone else’s debt means that you are responsible for the debt of the other person. You don’t know if that person will be able to pay off all of his debt in the future. If he doesn’t pay it off, then you must pay all of his debt!
c. Don’t desire instant riches.
Repeatedly we read in the paper about people who invest their money with high sounding promises that the money will multiply several times over in a brief period of time, but apparently they are deceived and their money disappears. If an offer seems “too good to be true”, you need to check on the precise return, because usually it is indeed too good to be true.
d. Live in the 4 dimensions of God’s love.
Remember that God already designed you to be blessed. God made a binding promise to bless you, and He already has given you His first and His best (that is Jesus Christ) so that you can live abundantly. When you manage your finances, make sure you apply the principles of the 4 dimensions of God’s love:
 Are my finances a positive influence and do they help others?
 Can my finances become a blessing for future generations?
 Through finances, can I become closer to God?
 Is my character developed and am I applying the principles of integrity and honesty in my financial management?

1 comment:

vjmaholtra said...


Ada info penting banget nih.. Tahun ini Jawaban.Com kembali mengadakan event gede-gedean untuk Para Bloger Kristen, yaitu Christian Indonesian Blogger Festival 2009 (CIBfest 2009). CIBfest kali ini bertema "Menjadi Jawaban Melalui Kreativitas Yang Berdampak". Ada hadiah berupa uang tunai Rp. 15 Juta Rupiah untuk 3 orang pemenang.Pastikan kamu ikutan juga Writing Competitionnya, siapa tahu hasil tulisan kamu terpilih untuk dibukukan! Yupz, Jawaban.Com bekerjasama dengan PT. Elex Media Komputindo akan menerbitkan buku kumpulan karya finalis CIBfest. Kamu ingin ikut terlibat dalam event ini? Caranya gampang dan Gratis!!! Ayo buruan daftar!! Pendaftaran terakhir tgl 30 Agustus 2009 loh.. Jadi log on langsung ke

Di tunggu yaaa….. God Bless…