Preaching The Gospel

Sunday, November 30, 2008



Having lots of money without the ability to manage it can end in heartache. What does the Bible say about wisely managing your finances?
a. Make a habit of SAVING.
You need to save for the future of your family and for unexpected circumstances. It’s recommended you save at least 10% of your income every month.
 Try to save at least six months of income, then if you are forced to go without income you can still live.
 Open a special account for future school fees for your children.
 Save for your old age, so that you won’t need to depend on the compassion of others in your old age.
 An increase in salary doesn’t mean an increase in life style. Save the increase in salary and your bonuses. Added income means added savings, not expenses.
b. Don’t become a guarantor for someone else’s debt.
Becoming a guarantor for someone else’s debt means that you are responsible for the debt of the other person. You don’t know if that person will be able to pay off all of his debt in the future. If he doesn’t pay it off, then you must pay all of his debt!
c. Don’t desire instant riches.
Repeatedly we read in the paper about people who invest their money with high sounding promises that the money will multiply several times over in a brief period of time, but apparently they are deceived and their money disappears. If an offer seems “too good to be true”, you need to check on the precise return, because usually it is indeed too good to be true.
d. Live in the 4 dimensions of God’s love.
Remember that God already designed you to be blessed. God made a binding promise to bless you, and He already has given you His first and His best (that is Jesus Christ) so that you can live abundantly. When you manage your finances, make sure you apply the principles of the 4 dimensions of God’s love:
 Are my finances a positive influence and do they help others?
 Can my finances become a blessing for future generations?
 Through finances, can I become closer to God?
 Is my character developed and am I applying the principles of integrity and honesty in my financial management?

Friday, November 28, 2008

Developing a Vision When You're Not a Visionary

Developing a Vision When You're Not a Visionary
It's easier than you think.
by Kevin Miller

My wife, Karen, and I are both in leadership at our church. So dinner-table discussions often come back to how to help other Christians step into leadership. Volunteers tell us, "I might be willing to facilitate, but I'm not sure I'm a leader." People don't consider themselves leaders, because when they say leader, they think of only one type: a strong, visionary leader. And they know they're not that.
But you don't have to be a visionary to lead well. We've found we can help people move forward as leaders when we say to them, "You can develop a vision even if you're not a visionary." Here are six ways that mortals like us can see where a group needs to go:
1. Tie in to a bigger vision that's already in place. First, ask, "Do I even need to come up with a complete vision from scratch?" Chances are, you don't need to. In most situations, a leader earlier on or higher up has already set a vision, and you can tie what you're doing into that.
Barb is taking on the women's ministry at our church. Does she need to create a vision? Not really. First, her ministry is part of a church, and churches have been going on for 2,000 years and already have a vision: to make disciples through worship, fellowship, teaching, prayer, missions, etc. Second, her ministry is part of our local church, which already has a vision to "Build a sanctuary of transformation" (read: "Become a place where people's lives change for the better because of God"). And finally, Barb's inheriting a women's ministry that already has a vision to encourage women and help them draw closer to God.
So Barb doesn't need to ask, "How do I come up with a vision?" Instead, she can ask, "What part of this vision do I want to build on? How can I improve our fulfillment of that?"
If you aren't starting with a vision, though, here are five ways you can work toward one.
2. Pray and wait on God. This is what most Christians think of when they think of "getting a vision." What does it look like? That varies.
Maybe you'll be reading Scripture, and the particular section captivates you. That's what happened to a guy named Francis: He wandered into a church and heard being read Jesus' words to the rich young ruler, "Go, sell all you have and give to the poor, and come follow me." He actually did what he heard, and that's why he's now known as St. Francis.
Or you may be inspired by someone else's ministry. When you see what he or she is doing, you realize, "Oh, that's what I could be!" For example, hearing preachers like John Ortberg and Tim Keller moved me; I saw that preaching in a way that touches both mind and heart would be a great way to invest my life.
Or maybe you'll literally have a middle-of-the-night experience. Billy Graham founded Christianity Today because "About two o'clock one night in 1953, an idea raced through my mind, freshly connecting all the things I had said and pondered about reaching a broader audience. Trying not to disturb Ruth, I slipped out of bed and into my study upstairs to write. A couple of hours later, the concept of a new magazine was complete." (from The Leadership Secrets of Billy Graham, Zondervan, 2005)

3. Gather a group and jointly develop a vision. When I used to take on a new role at work or church, I would (a) gather a group, (b) cast my vision for this area, (c) see who got on board with the vision.
Then I noticed that my wife did things differently. She would (a) gather a group, (b) talk and pray with all of them, until they all jointly came up with a vision, (c) not worry about who got on board, because they already were on board. When people come up with the vision, they want to help make it happen. Two years ago, Karen created an adult-education ministry at our church, and people said to her, "Wow! How you'd get such a strong team of people to help?" The answer was simple: She let them develop the vision.
If you use this approach to find your vision, be sure to assemble a "dream team," people with strong gifts in the area. Then, set a few basic parameters, so the group has just enough direction to start the conversation.
Why did I think I have to come up with the vision by myself? Now I try to gather a group of strong leaders and together talk and pray and develop a vision. That takes longer, but the ministry lasts longer.
4. Listen to the people you want to help. You don't have to be great at coming up with vision, if you're willing to listen to the people you want to help. If you listen well, people will tell you what they really need. In other words, the people you want to serve help set your vision.
Twenty-five years ago, a guy at Christianity Today named Keith did research among pastors who were getting our Leadership Journal and asked them, "What do you need?" One big answer: "Trained lay leaders."
We tried an annual 130-page journal for lay leaders, and it lasted only 3 years before it died. We prototyped a 4-page print newsletter in 50 churches, but those churches collectively yawned. One day I was talking to two pastors and I said, "I don't understand. You say you want trained lay leaders. So we published a long journal, and you said it was too long. We published a short newsletter, and it didn't wow you. What do you really want?"
They said, in essence, "Choice, customization, convenience." So we launched a loose-leaf notebook (pull out just the page you want and photocopy it to train your leaders) and then a website, Today, Building Church Leaders is one of Christianity Today's most successful websites, reaching thousands of church leaders through its newsletter and many others through the site.
The point: Where did the vision for that come from? Not from us. It came from the people we wanted to help.

5. Stay in your gifts and let them guide you. The idea here is that God has already shown you much of what he wants you to do in life by the way he made you. So ask yourself, "What has God given me? What passions? What skills? What opportunities? What concerns?"
My wife, Karen, who's on staff at our church, was talking with a young woman named Laura. Laura said, "I couldn't lead the college ministry. I'm not a visionary." So Karen told her, "Well, you recently graduated from college, and you like college students. So if you did work with college students, what would you do?" Laura talked nonstop for 15 minutes. She had more vision than she thought she did, because she already had the suitable gifts for college ministry. As Laura talked about "Here's what I care about and what I would do," her gifts began to express themselves in a solid vision.
6. Solve some problem right in front of you. Often vision is born by passing through the narrow and dark birth canal of problems. You see the problem, and you start to work on it. You don't necessarily feel inspired or see lights. All you are doing is trying to solve some problem right in front of you. But later, everyone else says, "What a great vision!"

The Bible's classic example is Nehemiah. He hears a terrible report about the few remaining Jews living in Jerusalem: "Those who survived the exile and are back in the province are in great trouble and disgrace. The wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates have been burned with fire." The news makes him cry. Nehemiah fasts, prays, and begins to ask for help and to assemble the people and materials. Today we hold up Nehemiah as an example of a visionary leader: he conceived and launched a staggering city-rebuilding project. Nehemiah was simply trying to solve one problem right in front of him.

Bringing your vision to fulfillment. Once you've got your vision, through one or more of the six ways listed above, do something with it. Some people don't like the word "vision" because they've seen it stand for "lots of hype and nothing happens." My sister-in-law worked for a huge credit-card-processing company. She told me, "The execs would come down and say, 'You're all leaders.' They'd say, 'We're going to be world-class.' But then they'd go back to their offices, and nothing would really change."
To avoid hype, dedicate yourself to fulfilling your vision. In Acts 20:24, the apostle Paul says, "I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me." Bill Hybels comments on this verse: "What is Paul saying? I think he's saying, 'The moment I received my vision from God, fulfilling that vision became the pressing priority of my life.'"
Kevin A. Miller is a vice-president for Christianity Today International and assistant pastor for Church of the Resurrection in Wheaton, Illinois.
This article originally appeared on Gifted for Leadership, Christianity Today International's website and blog for women who have the spiritual gift of leadership.
Copyright © 2007 by Kevin A. Miller.

Delegating to work colleagues

Delegating to work colleagues
by Odette Pollar

Find out how to delegate to your peers without putting any noses out of joint.
In the new team environment common to workplaces, groups are composed of colleagues, and delegation is not always a top-down activity. Delegating in this context differs from the traditional hierarchical style in significant ways.
1. The entire team is likely to know what each member is doing.


In a boss/subordinate relationship, delegation is not always made public. In group settings it may be the team leader, or any member of the group, who gets the group to agree on specific tasks. This usually means more flexibility and choice about who does what than in the traditional top down situation.
2. If a colleague does not have the same goal as you, it's difficult to get them to do what you want.
Show sensitivity in this situation.
• When asking for help, indicate what resources are available and what support you can give
• Allow extra lead-time so that the person you are delegating to can fit your request into her timetable
• Point out how the task benefits her or helps the department as a whole. Does the project offer her a chance to be noticed by other departments? Will it help her career prospects?
• Offer to do one of her jobs in exchange so that she'll be free to do yours
• If all else fails, your supervisor may need to talk to her supervisor to clarify the importance of your request for help
3. Track the work and get progress reports from all parties involved.
This lets everyone know what other members of the team are doing and ensures that interim deadlines are being met. A quick email to everyone stating what task has been agreed upon is a good reminder. Without this key step, you have no room to manoeuvre if a problem crops up.
Don't forget to thank people for their efforts. It goes a long way!
Traditional delegation tips.



Seorang anak diminta untuk memetik setangkai bunga yang sangat indah
dan langka, namun terletak jauh di bawah jurang yang diapit tebing
curam. Si peminta bahkan mau membayar mahal bila anak itu bersedia
untuk diturunkan dengan tali dan mengambil bunga tersebut. Setelah
berpikir beberapa saat, anak itu mengatakan bahwa ia bersedia turun
ke jurang asalkan yang memegangi ujung talinya adalah ayahnya. Apa
alasan anak itu mau menempuh bahaya? Tak lain adalah karena ia
percaya kepada ayahnya, bahwa ayahnya tidak akan mencelakakannya.
Kita bisa melihat bahwa sang ayah memiliki satu kualitas diri, yang
disebut kredibilitas sehingga si anak merasa yakin sepenuhnya
terhadap diri dan kemampuan ayahnya.

Kita cenderung lebih mudah untuk memercayai orang yang sudah kita
kenal dan kita anggap dapat dipercaya. Namun, bagaimana jika kita
ditempatkan di lingkungan, khususnya organisasi, di mana orang-orang
yang terlibat di dalamnya tidak saling mengenal kepribadian masing-
masing. Tak mudah meraih kepercayaan dengan kondisi individu yang
seperti itu, karena itu kepercayaan membutuhkan waktu untuk bisa
tumbuh dan bukti bahwa seseorang benar-benar memiliki kredibilitas.

Berangkat dari pertimbangan itulah, edisi kali ini menyajikan satu
karakter pemimpin yang fundamental. Untuk bisa memenangkan loyalitas
dan memberi pengaruh bagi para pengikut, seorang pemimpin haruslah
menjadi seorang yang dapat dipercaya. Materi-materi berikut kiranya
bisa menolong untuk semakin membangun dan mengembangkan kredibilitas
diri Anda.

Selamat belajar!

Redaksi e-Leadership,
Lanny Kusumawati

"Orang yang dapat dipercaya mendapat banyak berkat,
tetapi orang yang ingin cepat menjadi kaya,
tidak akan luput dari hukuman." (Amsal 28:20)


LED Text Scroller

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008

Preach and Reach - Part VI

Preach and Reach
Despite his liberal record, Barack Obama is making a lot of evangelicals think twice.
John W. Kennedy | posted 10/06/2008 09:29AM

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In Saint Louis during a July address to the African Methodist Episcopal convention, Obama exhorted parents to teach their sons "to treat women with respect, and to realize that responsibility does not end at conception, that what makes them men is not the ability to have a child but the courage to raise one." The AME is the oldest predominantly black denomination in the nation.

Obama repeatedly mentioned his faith during the talk, which at times resembled a revival meeting more than a political speech. "Our faith cannot be an idle faith," Obama declared. "It requires more of us than Sundays at church. It must be an active faith, rooted in that most fundamental of all truths: that I am my brother's keeper, that I am my sister's keeper.

"The challenges we face today—war and poverty, joblessness and homelessness, violent streets and crumbling schools—are not simply technical problems in search of a 10-point plan," Obama said. "They are moral problems, rooted in both society indifference and individual callousness, in the imperfections of man." Obama reiterated the need for government to partner with faith-based initiatives to feed the hungry, reform the prisoner, rehabilitate the drug addict, and keep the veteran employed.

For those who had doubts, Obama recited his salvation testimony from his days as a community organizer in Chicago in the 1980s. "I let Jesus Christ into my life," Obama declared. "I learned that my sins could be redeemed and if I placed my trust in Jesus, that he could set me on a path to eternal life."

Such a personally fervent witness may cause many moderate evangelicals to vote for a Democrat for president for the first time in their lives. Bishop Jackson observes, "A lot of people don't like either candidate. That works in Obama's favor. Many may give Obama a try. At least he's talking about faith." Whether evangelical voters can reconcile Obama's talk with his walk remains an open question.

John W. Kennedy is a CT contributing editor and news editor of Today's Pentecostal Evangel in Springfield, Missouri.

Preach and Reach - Part V

Preach and Reach
Despite his liberal record, Barack Obama is making a lot of evangelicals think twice.
John W. Kennedy |

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Others have criticized Rick Warren's association with Obama. In 2006 Obama spoke at a global AIDS summit at Saddleback Church and was tested for HIV. Afterwards, 18 ministry leaders published an open letter of "indignation and opposition." (Obama's second visit to Saddleback was for the civil forum alongside McCain.)

In July, with Obama on tour in Afghanistan and Iraq, Dobson went back on air to further castigate the Democrat. He revealed that he stayed awake at nights fretting over the prospect of an Obama presidency. Dobson warned listeners, "He is so extreme that he does threaten traditional family, life, and pro-moral values."

But after securing enough delegates to ensure the Democratic nomination, Obama moved toward the political center. This has exposed him to charges of pandering to conservatives. "A good candidate listens to arguments pro and con and sometimes changes his mind," Campolo argues. Lately Obama has sounded a lot more like Ronald Reagan than Bill Clinton. The senator criticized the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling that child rapists couldn't be executed, and he backed the justices' affirmation of the Second Amendment rights of gun owners.

Spreading Deception, Racism

Just as Obama's tech-savvy supporters are finding a voice on the Internet, his foes—including many Christians—are using the Internet to spread new deceptions. The facts are that Obama had an agnostic mother and a nominally Muslim father, and that as a child Obama had two hours of weekly Islamic instruction for the two years he attended school in Indonesia.

But widely distributed rumors contend that Obama

doesn't put his hand over his heart during the Pledge of Allegiance;
took the oath of office with his hand on a Qur'an;
is a Muslim, not a Christian.
Obama supporters launched to set the record straight about his religion and patriotism. Yet polls show that more than one in 10 Americans still believe these falsehoods. Campolo says, "I have heard repeatedly on Christian radio that Obama is a Muslim." founder Bill Keller declared, "Pastors and churches who support Barack Hussein Obama are a stench in the nostrils of God!"

Another factor in play is that Obama is the first major-party African American nominee in history. Obama's supposed support of black liberation theology has been a concern because of his 20-year membership in Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ pastored by the now-retired Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. In May, Obama withdrew membership from the church and decried Wright for "giving comfort to those who prey on hate."

"A lot of people—both blacks and whites—will vote based on race," Bishop Jackson says. "Jeremiah Wright gives an excuse to not vote for Obama. Claims that [Wright] is a closet racist or Marxist will haunt Obama."

"Evangelicals, if they are not careful, may be pulled into a race-baiting strategy that will reflect extremely poorly on us," Cizik warns. "It would be wrong to pull the party lever without serious reflection."

"There is no doubt that if Obama is elected the first African American president, it will be a huge step toward racial reconciliation in this country," Sider says. "It will show that the majority of white people have moved beyond racism." It would also provide Obama a platform for addressing issues that no white politician dares touch, such as black absentee fatherhood.

Preach and Reach - Part IV

Preach and Reach
Despite his liberal record, Barack Obama is making a lot of evangelicals think twice.
John W. Kennedy |

4 of 6


Vanderslice says she is elated with Obama because he cares about the environment, wants to bring troops home from Iraq, and will bring tax relief for average Americans. The Matthew 25 Network is running $500,000 worth of commercials on Christian radio stations in battleground states. "A president can have such an impact on lives, not only here but [also] around the world," Vanderslice says.

The man behind the push to reach out to evangelicals is Joshua DuBois. The 26-year-old black Pentecostal associate pastor from Boston is Obama's point person for faith policy. DuBois has organized 200 American Values Forums—town hall meetings where evangelicals, Catholics, mainline Protestants, and Jews sit down and try to see each other's political viewpoints.

In addition, DuBois has been busy coordinating house parties where Obama supporters invite neighbors, friends, coworkers, and relatives to discuss faith and politics. The goal is to find common ground on tough issues like abortion.

Cizik, Campolo, and Sider favor extending Bush's faith-based initiative, but they are disappointed that Obama's proposal to do so would sacrifice the right of faith groups to hire employees who share the same faith. "The Bush guarantees on hiring are important," Cizik says. "A good number of evangelicals who would join the program won't. I'm not sure Obama understands how seriously we view the protection of the integrity of our institutions."

And more questions are cropping up about Obama's basic religious convictions. "There's no question Obama is a Christian, but he is definitely of a postmodern, liberal, and, to some small extent, black liberation theology perspective," says Stephen Mansfield, author of The Faith of Barack Obama.

"One can imagine, in an Obama presidency," writes Mansfield, "White House conferences on 'Faith and Poverty' or 'Religion's Responses to Racism' that are more than theater, more than time-wasting mockeries of national ills."

Obama, Dobson, and Warren

No single evangelical leader has been more negative about Obama's candidacy than Focus on the Family's James Dobson. This summer, Dobson—who earlier declared that he couldn't vote for McCain—took to the airwaves to denounce Obama, based on his keynote address at a Call to Renewal conference two years earlier.

In that speech, Obama noted the pluralistic reality of society. "Whatever we once were, we are no longer just a Christian nation; we are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation, a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers," Obama said. "And even if we did have only Christians in our midst, if we expelled every non-Christian from the United States of America, whose Christianity would we teach in the schools? Would we go with James Dobson's or Al Sharpton's?"

Being mentioned in the same breath as Sharpton offended Dobson. Dobson also declared on the air that Obama "is deliberately distorting the traditional understanding of the Bible to fit his own worldview, his own confused theology." He labeled Obama's abortion stance "a fruitcake interpretation of the Constitution." Yet much of Obama's Call to Renewal address took Democrats to task for failing to address political issues in moral terms.

Dobson's protest spurred Houston's Caldwell to start a website, Some 12,000 have signed the site's online statement critical of Dobson's views on Obama. Caldwell told CT, "Someone needs to address the comments he made. I want Americans to know the truth and vote accordingly."

Preach and Reach - Part III

Preach and Reach
Despite his liberal record, Barack Obama is making a lot of evangelicals think twice.
John W. Kennedy |
3 of 6


He voted in the U.S. Senate to block a bill to require that at least one parent be notified if a minor had an abortion in another state.
He declared his first act as president would be to sign the Freedom of Choice Act, which would again legalize "partial-birth" abortion and would use tax funds to pay for abortions.
Even so, a poll (commissioned by the NRTLC) found that only 44 percent of Americans identify Obama as pro-choice. Obama has indicated that he opposed the Born Alive Infant Protection Act because it could have been used as a means to overturn Roe v. Wade by extending the status of personhood to a human fetus (though in committee he voted against an amendment that would have clarified this and would not have undermined Roe). He also has said that he would not be against banning third-trimester abortions if a bill provides a mother's health exemption.

To reach out to evangelicals, Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean appointed Tony Campolo as a member of the party's platform committee. In August, the platform committee reaffirmed its abortion plank but dropped the "safe, legal, and rare" language. New language says: "The Democratic Party also strongly supports a woman's decision to have a child by ensuring access to and availability of programs for pre- and post-natal health care, parenting skills, income support, and caring adoption programs."

Campolo told CT that pro-lifers are "pleased that some language has been put in that we support. It's less than we want, but it's a great deal more than [what] many people expected." There is no "conscience clause" addressing health workers' right to abstain from providing services they believe unconscionable, or a clear call for abortion reduction—just a reduction in the "need for abortion."

Concerned Women for America president Wendy Wright says she has encountered many pro-lifers who naïvely assume they can win the candidate over to their viewpoint. "He listens to people, but what does he do with the information?" Wright asks. "He doesn't change his mind. Evangelicals need to look beyond his appealing persona. When a politician speaks against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act, there seems to be a disconnect between his rhetoric and his record."

Along with the abortion issue, Obama has drawn ire from evangelicals for opposing the November ballot referendum to ban gay marriage in California. Obama believes such referendums to amend federal and state constitutions could be used in the future to undermine other legal protections. Although Obama believes marriage should be reserved for one man and one woman, he favors civil unions for gays. And, in a June letter to San Francisco's Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club, Obama wrote, "I want to congratulate all of you who have shown your love for each other by getting married these last few weeks."

"He gives lip service to the institution of marriage," says Tom Minnery, Focus on the Family senior vice president for government and public policy, "but he will not do a single thing to ensure that traditional marriage survives."

Too Inclusive?

In August, the Obama campaign launched an outreach designed to harness the energy of supportive evangelicals via low-profile house meetings and community-service projects. Among the political action committees stoking young pro-Obama advocates is the Matthew 25 Network, founded by 33-year-old Mara Vanderslice. The organization debuted on the Web in July, calling voters to back Obama because he, like Jesus, "cares for the least of these."

Preach and Reach - Part II

Preach and Reach
Despite his liberal record, Barack Obama is making a lot of evangelicals think twice.
John W. Kennedy |

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The Chicago meeting focused primarily on abortion and gay marriage. "You can't help but listen to the man and come away believing he's given a fair amount of thought to these issues," Cizik says. "I was both impressed by him and inclined to disagree with him."

Obama has succeeded in gaining the attention of conservative evangelicals in a way that Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Michael Dukakis, and Al Gore failed to during their respective presidential bids. He has done this in part by doing the unexpected. For instance, in July Obama proposed expanding President Bush's faith-based initiative, which many liberals opposed from the get-go over church-state separation concerns. Obama has also succeeded in winning over at least one very high profile Bush supporter: Kirbyjon Caldwell, the Houston megachurch pastor. Caldwell offered the benediction at both of George W. Bush's presidential inaugurations, and he performed the wedding ceremony of Bush's daughter Jenna in May.

Last year, the pastor of the largest United Methodist church in the nation attended an Obama fundraiser and said he was deeply impressed. As Caldwell handed him a campaign donation check, Obama told Caldwell that he remembered a speech Caldwell had given 20 years earlier at Harvard, and that he had been following the pastor's career ever since.

Another prominent African American leader, Bishop Harry R. Jackson Jr., senior pastor of Hope Christian Church in Washington, D.C., isn't in the Obama camp. But Jackson says McCain's relative silence on conservative social issues has motivated evangelicals to take a second look at Obama.

The short supply of evangelical enthusiasm for any single Republican candidate has also worked to Obama's advantage. "There is tremendous apathy on the Religious Right," says Jackson. "Folks are feeling betrayed and left out. That can work in Obama's favor."

Wilfredo De Jesús, 44-year-old senior pastor of New Life Covenant, an Assemblies of God church in Chicago with an attendance of 4,000, says Obama is the first Democratic candidate he has ever supported. Until now, De Jesús says, opposing abortion and homosexuality have been the paramount moral issues for him. But De Jesús says Obama's comments about the mistreatment of illegal immigrants have led him to put more emphasis on immigration in terms of advocacy and ministry.

Stumbling Blocks

Still, an August Gallup poll indicated that McCain would trounce Obama 53 to 37 percent among those who attend worship services weekly. "The Christian Right's core voters are still primarily concerned with abortion and gay rights," says Wheaton College associate professor Amy Black, author of Beyond Left and Right. "They will stay in the Republican Party."

"It's hard to be more pro-abortion than Hillary Clinton, but Obama seems to have done it," says David O'Steen, executive director of the National Right to Life Committee (NRTLC). Here is a snapshot of Obama's voting record:

He voted three times in the Illinois Legislature to stymie legislation designed to keep alive newborn survivors of abortions.

Preach and Reach - Part I

Preach and Reach
Despite his liberal record, Barack Obama is making a lot of evangelicals think twice.
John W. Kennedy |

Winning Missouri worked twice for President Bush's White House ambitions. Barack Obama seems to have taken notice. For the past three months, the Democratic presidential nominee has been spending significant time in Missouri. In all but one election during the past century, Show-Me State voters have sided with the winner in presidential elections.

Just before Independence Day in Independence, Missouri, Obama delivered a speech on patriotism to counter perceptions that he is less loyal than Republican nominee John McCain, who has 17 military awards and decorations and was a Vietnam-era prisoner of war for five years.

"I will never question the patriotism of others in this campaign," said Obama, who had an Iraq war veteran introduce him. "And I will not stand idly by when I hear others question mine." Obama stressed that no party has a monopoly on devotion to the nation. "Patriotism can never be defined as loyalty to any particular leader or government or policy," he said inside the cramped gym at the Harry S. Truman Memorial Building, where four American flags served as a backdrop.

Obama's general election campaign with running mate Joe Biden, Delaware's senior senator, is built on the rhetoric of "change you can believe in," mixed with passionate words about God and country. As the junior U.S. senator from Chicago, Obama has for years been beholden to working-class voters, African Americans, feminists, gay-rights groups, and pro-choice advocates. But for the first time since Jimmy Carter ran in 1976, a presidential candidate from the Democratic Party is enthusiastically courting evangelicals and Catholics.

This effort is showing results: An August poll by the Barna Group shows McCain with greater support among self-identified evangelicals, but by only two percentage points (39 to 37 percent) over Obama. (Among Christians who meet Barna's stringent nine-point classification as evangelicals, McCain holds a commanding lead of 61 percent to 17 percent over Obama.)

To gain a clearer perspective on these developments, this summer Christianity Today conducted in-depth interviews with a broad range of evangelicals, including Ron Sider, Richard Cizik, Kirbyjon Caldwell, Jim Wallis, Tom Minnery, and Tony Campolo, to see how they assess the Obama for President campaign.

Getting Evangelicals' Attention

Rather than criticizing his Republican opponent for pandering to the Religious Right, Obama hopes to siphon off sufficient evangelical votes to put him over the top in November. It helps that he speaks the language of faith comfortably. Speaking to CT recently, Ron Sider, founder of Evangelicals for Social Action, said Obama "understands evangelicals better than any Democrat since Carter."

In June, Sider was among the 40 Christians invited to a private, off-the-record Chicago meeting hosted by Obama. Other attendees included Cizik, Franklin Graham, T. D. Jakes, Eugene Rivers, Max Lucado, and CT editor in chief David Neff. Cizik, vice president for governmental affairs for the National Association of Evangelicals, says that Obama's invitation was the first time a Democratic presidential candidate had requested a meeting with an nae official in the 28 years Cizik has worked there.

He says he found Obama reflective and willing to bridge divisions. Cizik told CT, "He's willing to tackle problems that the Bush administration hasn't, like health care and climate change." The nae has been receiving weekly communication from the Obama camp, but nothing from McCain.

"The very fact that Obama is holding such meetings is positive," says John C. Green, senior fellow at the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life. "If the campaign doesn't make the effort, then there can be no success. But it doesn't guarantee they will get the exact results they want." Green notes that no Democrat has garnered more than one-third of the white evangelical vote since Carter. (In 2004, Bush received 78 percent of white evangelical votes.)

Friday, October 31, 2008

No Apologize

Ini merupakan serangkaian kegiatan yang dilaksanakan oleh Fokus Pada Keluarga di SMAK Gading Serpong.

Getting Ready for the End of All Things

Getting Ready for the End of All Things
By David Wilkerson

In his first letter to the church, Peter speaks of the last
days. He states bluntly: "The end of all things is at
hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer. And
above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for
charity shall cover the multitude of sins" (1 Peter 4:7-8).

Peter also mentions the last days in his second epistle.
Moreover, in that letter he refers to his own limited time
on earth. He tells the church, "Shortly I must put off my
tabernacle" (2 Peter 1:14). He's saying, in other words,
"God has shown me my time on earth is short."

Peter knew the Lord would soon take him home. Yet before
that would happen, the Holy Spirit gave this disciple a
word for the church about the very end of days. And so, in
Peter's second epistle we read the last words of a dying
shepherd to the believers in his charge.

This godly man was fully aware the world would never
believe his message about the end times. Clearly, Peter's
message was meant for the New Testament church, both in the
time he wrote it and for every succeeding generation of
believers. It is a message of warning, as Peter prophesies
the following:

"There shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall
bring in damnable heresies... And many shall follow their
pernicious ways... And through covetousness shall they with
feigned words make merchandise of you....

"There shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after
their own lusts, and saying, Where is the promise of his
coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things
continue as they were from the beginning of the creation....
(They will) walk after the flesh in the lust of
uncleanness, and despise government [the laws of the land].
Presumptuous are they, self-willed, they are not afraid to
speak evil of dignities... .

"But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night;
in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great
noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the
earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned

"Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what
manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation
and godliness, looking for and hasting unto the coming of
the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be
dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?"
(2 Peter 2:1-3, 10; 3:3-4, 10-12).

As Christians, we believe God's Word about the times to
come. And we receive Spirit-directed warnings from God's
holy watchmen today. Indeed, we see the handwriting on the

Still, an important question arises for every Christian
today, as it must have arisen for believers in Peter's day.

The question that arises for many Christians is, "How do we
prepare for the tumultuous events to come?"

I think it is normal to want to know how we'll survive the
frightful times to come. When the storm hits, destroying
all roots of recovery, what will we do about jobs, housing,
food, clothing? As a grandfather, I am concerned about the
future of my children and grandchildren, wondering, "How
will they make it through the times to come?" I believe
this is a legitimate concern for any follower of Jesus.

Amazingly, Peter gives no advice about physical or
financial preparations. He says nothing about where to put
our money to safeguard it, nothing about how to face a
housing crisis, nothing about how to survive global warming
or inflation. Peter simply does not go there. Why?

I believe it is because Peter had already experienced
poverty, and through it all he had experienced God's
faithfulness. As Peter literally followed in Christ's
footsteps, he lived with no money. In order to eat, the
disciples had to pick corn from the farmers' fields. At one
point, when they needed money, Jesus instructed Peter to
look inside the mouth of a fish, where he found a coin.

Peter knew what it meant to sleep under the stars, with no
bed or pillow. He followed Jesus without a job or any means
of support. He owned a single change of clothes and one
pair of sandals. In short, Peter had to rely on God's
provision every day for his needs. And day after day, Peter
saw those needs met faithfully.

Now, in his message about the end times, Peter focuses not
on having needs met but on the importance of preparing our
hearts. Thus, he says, "Seeing then that all these things
shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be
in all holy conversation and godliness... ?" (2 Peter 3:11).

In the face of all that is to come, Peter zeros in on
character issues.

The apostle is asking us, in essence, "What is in your
heart in these last days? Who are you becoming as the end
times approach? You already know God will take care of your
physical needs. But are you preparing yourself
spiritually? "

If this sounds unusual to you, consider what Jesus had to
say about preparing for the last days. He also left us very
little advice about physical preparations for end-time
upheaval. Like Peter, Jesus warned of tumultuous times to
come: wars, rumors of wars, ethnic and tribal conflicts,
famines, earthquakes, persecution, floods of iniquity that
would cause the love of many to grow cold. He also
predicted that armies would march on Jerusalem to wreak
awful destruction, razing the temple to the ground.

In the face of this terrible upheaval, Jesus says little
about how to survive the times. He doesn't speak about how
to prepare for the loss of a home or job or the crashing of
the economy. Rather, he instructs us, "Take no thought,
saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or,
Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For all these things do
the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that
ye have need of all these things" (Matthew 6:31-32).

Peter echoes Jesus' words when he says, "The end of all
things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto
prayer" (1 Peter 4:7). In short, he says, "Here is basic
instruction for preparing for the end times: Be
soberminded. And stay calm, no matter what happens. There
is no need to panic. Instead, take it all to prayer."

Right now, many Christians are in panic mode. People who
have testified all their lives that God is their keeper are
now scrambling in fear as the storm clouds gather. Peter is
saying to them, very simply, "Bring all your natural
feelings under the control of faith."

Next, Peter tells us to bring everything to God in prayer:
"Watch unto prayer" (4:7). Only by seeking the Lord will we
be able to control our anxieties about the times. According
to Peter, the blacker things become the more we should walk
in the peace and rest of the Holy Spirit.

Right now the secular world is desperate to find calm in
the chaos. According to the Wall Street Journal, corporate
leaders and others in high-stress jobs are turning to yoga,
mantras, Chinese chants. As Christians, we have a God who
promises to keep us in perfect peace, if we will fix our
minds on Christ above anything happening in the world.

Peter tells us we should be
concerned with one thing
above all others in these times.

What should our one focus be? We find it in the next verse,
the final exhortation of this dying apostle. Peter writes:
"Above all things have fervent charity among yourselves:
for charity shall cover the multitude of sins" (1 Peter

Peter's summation is, "If you want to know what survival is
all about - to see how God is leading his people through
these times - then show unconditional love to your brothers
and sisters. That has everything to do with the future of
the church of Christ."

Here, Peter says, is our most important concern. In light
of the great mercy God has shown each of us - in light of
his unconditional forgiveness toward our past sins, his
compassionate longsuffering toward us - we are to reach out
with mercy to those who have sinned against us. And we are
to forgive them as if they had never committed those sins.

You may be wondering, "What does forgiveness have to do
with the end times?"

Perhaps you feel let down by the promise implied in the
title of this message, "Getting Ready for the End of All

Maybe as you read the title you thought, "Great, Pastor
Dave is going to show us specifics about how to survive the
troubling times." Already I'm halfway through my message,
and yet you may feel you haven't received any specifics
from me.

This was the feeling of a Christian who wrote to our
ministry recently. He said, "You have faithfully warned us
about the economic holocaust you see coming. I believe you
are a righteous man. But surely the same Spirit of God who
showed you these things to come will show you how we are to
survive. A good God wouldn't warn us and then not tell us
what to do to make it through the storm. Please, give us a

Another Christian wrote, "I feel cheated. I asked you for
financial advice about where to invest my money and how to
save my family when the economy goes into a depression. You
told me to go to prayer and ask the Holy Spirit for
direction. It was the same old theological copout. I need
specific answers."

Beloved, what I am sharing here is the Lord's specific word
on the subject. Peter was surely a godly man, and through
him the Holy Spirit shows us exactly what God says about
how to face these last days. Peter is telling us very
clearly, "Here is the main issue, your most important
preparation: Get your heart ready. If this matter isn't
dealt with, all other preparations are in vain. At the end
of all things, stay calm. And stay on your knees. Above all
else, practice unceasing mercy and love toward your
brothers and sisters. Forgive and cover their sins."
"Charity shall cover the multitude of sins" (1 Peter 4:8).

In this last verse, we are commanded to "cover" those sins
committed against us - meaning, we are not to expose the
sins of others. "As every man hath received the gift, even
so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of
the manifold grace of God" (4:10). Who has hurt or wounded
you? Who has spread gossip about you? According to Jesus,
if you do not forgive and cover that sin, you are like the
man who was forgiven a great debt but later choked a man
who owed him a few dollars.

Let me give you a glimpse into
why this issue of forgiveness
is so important in these times.

We have over 100 ethnic groups attending Times Square
Church. Christ has unified the many races and ethnic groups
here in brotherly love. The sign above our church doors
reads, "The Church That Love Is Building," and that love is

I realize this racial unity makes our church a target
marked by hell. In a world of racial hatred and tribal
upheaval, God has blessed us with a powerful testimony.
Simply put, Jesus is the source that breaks down every
barrier, including that of race.

Several times in our church's history, we have felt the
fury of demonic forces coming against our loving unity in
Christ. And there is no greater weapon used by hell than
the unforgiveness of fellow believers.

You may say, "But I'm not holding onto any grudges. I don't
have any bitterness toward anyone. I only have pure love
for my brothers and sisters. When someone sins against me,
I never expose their iniquity. So, I don't see how Peter's
admonition applies to me. What does he have to say to me
about preparing for the end times?"

The truth is Peter's message here has everything to do with
the future of the church of Jesus Christ. You see, God is
preparing his church for a latter-day outpouring of his
Spirit. According to the prophets, the Holy Spirit will
come in a great wave upon the earth, filling God's people
with joy when the world is in upheaval. This won't happen,
however, in a church where people hold grudges and wounds
are left unresolved.

Peter is asking us, "Do you want to be ready for what's
coming? Do you want to be fully prepared when all things
are being shaken? Then make sure you have nothing in your
heart that hinders the flow of God's Spirit. Something
wonderful is just ahead. Make sure you are not left out of

What is this last-day outpouring of the Holy Spirit all

The prophets - from Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel down to
the minor prophets - reveal that in the last days God's
Spirit will once again fall on a prepared people. This
event is referred to as the "harvest rain." It is promised
to be greater even than the "former rain," which was the
Spirit's mighty outpouring at Pentecost.

This prophecy of a last rain refers to two rains that
occurred annually in Israel. Israel's seasons were opposite
to ours today. The former (or first) rain came in the fall,
watering the newly planted crops. This typifies what
happened at Pentecost, when the "first rain" fell in a
great outpouring of God's Spirit. That rain watered the
seed of the Word, and it grew and spread to become the
worldwide church we see today.

Israel's "last rain" came in the spring, ripening the crops
just before harvest. Zechariah refers to this last rain, an
outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the last days: "Ask ye of
the Lord rain in the time of the latter rain; so the Lord
shall make bright clouds, and give them showers of rain, to
every one grass in the field" (Zechariah 10:1).

Moses said there simply could be no harvest without another
rain. The Lord said to Israel through him, "If ye shall
hearken diligently unto my commandments. ..I will give you the
rain of your land in his due season, the first rain and the
latter rain, that thou mayest gather in thy corn, and thy
wine, and thine oil" (Deuteronomy 11:13-14).

Finally, Joel gives us a vibrant picture of what it looks
like when this harvest rain comes:

"Fear not, O land; be glad and rejoice; for the Lord will
do great things. Be not afraid, ye beasts of the field: for
the pastures of the wilderness do spring, for the tree
beareth her fruit, the fig tree and the vine do yield their
strength. Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in
the Lord your God: for he hath given you the former rain
moderately, and he will cause to come down for you the
rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first

"And the floors shall be full of wheat, and the fats shall
overflow with wine and oil. And I will restore to you the
years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the
caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent
among you. And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied,
and praise the name of the Lord your God, that hath dealt
wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed.
And ye shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and
that I am the Lord your God, and none else: and my people
shall never be ashamed" (Joel 2:21-27).

Joel is saying, in effect, "Wake up, church! Look around
you. What you see happening has been prophesied. It is
beginning to rain, and the Lord has made the clouds bright
and full of water. The Spirit is preparing all things for
the last great harvest."

Satan knows about this final
rain to come and the glorious
harvest that will follow it.

The devil knows what is written in God's Word. And he is
determined to hinder the great harvest he knows is coming.
He has unleashed a furious attack on the church, using
every weapon he can to remove the peace of God's people.
Indeed, many Christians have been overwhelmed by the
darkness now covering the earth, all set in motion by the
fury of Satan's activity.

The gloom and fear hovering over every nation has left
people feeling helpless. Here in America, courts have made
laws that glory in perversions, all against the will of the
people. And it chips away at the righteous soul. The result
is hopelessness and stress, weakening the spirit and even
causing physical sickness.

In God's house, sin has been downgraded and hell discarded.
The Episcopal Church is splitting apart over gay
marriages. Meanwhile, evangelicals - those who are the
supposed torchbearers of God's Word - are becoming more
focused on earth than on heaven, placing their energies in
movements that are not Christ-centered.

I hear godly people today asking, "Have we sinned away the
day of grace? Will our generation go out being known only
for dysfunctional families and dead, dry churches? Will we
wither away as Israel did in the Old Testament?"

Not so, according to the prophets! God will arise amid the
darkness and begin to rain down his Spirit upon his latter

In Haggai's day, God's people
were downcast because they
focused completely on the past.

The Israelites in Haggai's day were discouraged over the
new temple they were building. That work seemed so
insignificant compared to the magnificence of the former
temple. As they reflected on all of God's past glories,
they wept with despair at the modest house before them.
Haggai asked the people, "Who is left among you that saw
this house in her first glory? And how do ye see it now? Is
it not in your eyes in comparison of it as nothing?"
(Haggai 2:3).

Beloved, the same question applies today. You may recall
great revivals of the past, where the Spirit fell
powerfully with multitudes saved. Tell me, do you see the
life of the church today as nothing compared to those past
times? Maybe you're discouraged over how much God's house
has withered in power and witness during your lifetime.

I tell you, the word God gave Haggai for his church is
meant for us today: "My spirit remaineth among you... The
glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the
former, saith the Lord of hosts: and in this place will I
give peace" (2:5, 9).

Peter had been present when the "former rain" fell at

At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit fell upon a prepared people
who "were all with one accord [of one mind]" (Acts 2:1).
So, what is meant that the people were of "one accord," one
mind? Simply put, mercy was flowing through them. Let me

Consider those who were on the scene at Pentecost, people
we revere today as church fathers. Some of these men had
sinned grievously against the Lord and against their
brethren. They all had to be forgiven, their sins covered,
or the church never would have moved forward with the work
the Spirit was about to do.

Consider Peter. He had blasphemed horribly, wounding Jesus
as well as the other disciples. That church body forgave
Peter, and they covered him so his past would never be held
against him. Consider also James and John, the "sons of
thunder." They too had sinned grievously, offending their
fellow disciples when they professed to be greater than the
rest. They also were forgiven and covered.

In truth, anyone present that day might have said, "Hold
it, Peter. Who made you the leader here? You denied
Christ." No one did that, because their hearts had been
prepared through mercy. And they were ready to receive the
Spirit when he came in the great outpouring at Pentecost.

Beloved, this is why Peter's focus in his epistles is on
the issues of the heart. He knew firsthand all these things
had to be cast out and forgiven, lest the Spirit's work be
hindered by any flesh. The same is true for Christ's church
today, we who are to receive his mighty harvest rain. Will
we hinder that work of the Spirit, by failing to forgive?
Or will we be prepared by allowing mercy to flow through us
to others?

As the hour approaches, I do not want anything in my heart
to hinder God's work. He is preparing his people to receive
his latter rain. And I am determined to continue doing just
as Peter has instructed: "Be sober. Take everything to
prayer. Show mercy to all." I urge you to do the same. Pray
for rain in this time of God's latter house!

I leave you with this powerful final image: "Upon the cloud
one sat like unto the Son of man, having on his head a
golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle. And another
angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to
him that sat on the cloud, Thrust in thy sickle, and reap:
for the time is come for thee to reap; for the harvest of
the earth is ripe" (Revelation 14:14-15). So it is!

Monday, October 27, 2008

World markets slump; Nikkei at 26-year low

World markets slump; Nikkei at 26-year low
Print By PAN PYLAS, AP Business Writer Pan Pylas, Ap Business Writer – 1 hr 59 mins ago Play Video Reuters – Asian shares fall
AP – A man walks past a display showing stock prices at a brokerage firm in Hong Kong Monday, Oct. 27, 2008. … LONDON – World stock markets slumped again Monday with the Nikkei index in Japan closing at its lowest in 26 years as the financial crisis drove up the yen, piling the pressure on the country's exporters.

Tokyo's Nikkei 225 index closed down 6.4 percent to 7,162.90 — the lowest since October 1982. Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index tumbled 12.7 percent to 11,015.84, its lowest close in more than four years and biggest daily decline

Bush: U.S. in midst of serious financial crisis

Bush: U.S. in midst of serious financial crisis

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush on Wednesday said the United States was in a serious financial crisis as he tried to convince Americans to support a $700 billion financial rescue plan.

"We are in the midst of a serious financial crisis and the federal government is responding with decisive action," Bush said in a televised national address.

He warned that "the market is not functioning properly," there is widespread loss of confidence, major sectors are at risk, and more banks could fail and threaten sending the U.S. economy into recession. "We must not let this happen," Bush said.

(Reporting by Tabassum Zakaria; Editing by Chris Wilson)

Today, over 26,500 children died around the world

Today, over 26,500 children died around the world

This page:
To print all information e.g. expanded side notes, shows alternative links, use the print version:
Around the world, some 26,500 children die every day.

That is equivalent to:

1 child dying every 3 seconds
18 children dying every minute
A 2004 Asian Tsunami occurring every week
An Iraq-scale death toll every 15–36 days
Almost 10 million children dying every year
Some 60 million children dying between 2000 and 2006
The silent killers are poverty, hunger, easily preventable diseases and illnesses, and other related causes. In spite of the scale of this daily/ongoing catastrophe, it rarely manages to achieve, much less sustain, prime-time, headline coverage.

Global Financial Crisis 2008

Global Financial Crisis 2008

This page:
To print all information e.g. expanded side notes, shows alternative links, use the print version:
The global financial crisis, brewing for a while, really started to show its effects in the middle of 2008. Around the world stock markets have fallen, large financial institutions have collapsed or been bought out, and governments in even the wealthiest nations have had to come up with rescue packages to bail out their financial systems.

On the one hand many people are concerned that those responsible for the financial problems are the ones being bailed out, while on the other hand, a global financial meltdown will affect the livelihoods of almost everyone in an increasingly inter-connected world. The problem could have been avoided, if ideologues supporting the current economics models weren’t so vocal, influential and inconsiderate of others’ viewpoints and concerns.

McCain's 7 Steps to Beating Obama

McCain's 7 Steps to Beating Obama

By Michael Scherer
Sometimes you don't need the secret memo, a Deep Throat source, or the combination to the safe to get the story. Sometimes it's lying right there in front of you, a series of fragments ready to be pieced together.

Such is the case when it comes to John McCain's general election strategy for defeating Barack Obama. For weeks now, the Arizona Senator's campaign has been laying its cards on the table, spelling out a strategy for November. Here's a look at seven of their key strategies.

1. Paint Obama as a False Messiah
The big debut for this message came on the night of the Virginia and Maryland primaries. Mike Huckabee was still in the race, but the McCain campaign wanted to pivot towards the general election. So at an Alexandria Holiday Inn, McCain offered these words: "I do not seek the presidency on the presumption that I am blessed with such personal greatness that history has anointed me to save my country in its hour of need." The code was not hard to break. McCain was calling out Obama as an unfulfilled prophet, built up on lofty rhetoric and personal charisma. McCain's advisors have been hammering the theme ever since, privately speaking skeptically of Obama's big crowds and "Yes We Can" ritual chants. "The lofty rhetoric," said Steve Schmidt, McCain's message man, on a recent flight. "It's nonsense." This will not let up. McCain's campaign calculates that it must put a dent in Obama's powerful aura to keep a Republican in the White House.

2. Work, Woo and Win the Referees
McCain's willingness to parry and thrust with the press is already the stuff of campaign legend. And if the candidate has his way, the legend will only grow. "He is the best earned media candidate I think in history," Rick Davis, the campaign manager, recently told The New York Times. (Earned media is another way of saying free media, or anything a campaign doesn't pay for.) "And so we will try to use that advantage." In recent weeks, the campaign has relaunched what advisers call the "Straight Talk Express," a time when groups of three or four reporters head to the front of the plane, or the back of the bus, for open-ended interviews. The technique exposes McCain to danger. His December admission that "economics is not something I've understood as well as I should" came during one such back of the bus session. But McCain's staff thinks its worth the risk, that by earning the understanding and admiration of reporters they can make Obama seem distant by comparison. Meanwhile, McCain adviser Mark Salter has adopted a traditional "bad cop" role, regularly criticizing the press, alleging, for instance, that the media has formed a "protective barrier" around Obama.

3. Meet With the People, and Force Obama to Follow
The second part of McCain's earned media strategy is his people strategy. Some of McCain's best moments on the trail come in the uncontrolled give-and-take with a crowd. "The town hall meeting is John's best format," says Mark McKinnon, a media adviser for McCain. "He's a natural campaigner up close with the public." Back in 2004, the campaign crowds at George Bush events were designed to screen out Democrats. By contrast, McCain has so far reveled in free-form forums, taking questions in places historically hostile to Republicans, like New Orleans. The campaign has vowed to continue the same format as much as possible going forward. McCain's aides even hope to bring Obama out of his stadium events and put him on the same level. McKinnon has suggested joint appearances by Obama and McCain with questions from the audience and limited moderation. Obama has said he is open to the idea.

4. Claim the High Road Without Leaving the Low Road
Almost every day, McCain finds a reason to say that he wants to run "a respectful campaign." Given the mudslinging that is widely expected from all sides, this is a tenuous proposition. In the final days of the Republican primary, McCain came out hard against Mitt Romney, accusing him of saying that he wanted to set a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq, even though Romney had not endorsed such a move. More recently, McCain has not shown that he is willing to lay off hardball politics. He has repeatedly brought up the fact that a Hamas spokesman said positive things about Obama, even though Obama did not reciprocate the compliments. McCain has also tried to tar Obama by his relationship with William Ayers, a once violent anti-Vietnam War activist, by demanding that Obama call on Ayers to apologize for his actions. (Obama has shot projectiles at McCain as well, misquoting McCain's willingness to have American troops in Iraq for "100 years.") The real message behind McCain's call for "a respectful campaign" appears more narrow: As the political debate disintegrates, which is all but inevitable, McCain wants to be seen as a fighter who can float above the fray.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008




11. Yudas

Ia adalah saudara Yakobus. Ia disalibkan di Edessa, kota kuno Mesopotamia, sekitar tahun 72 M.

12. Bartolomeus

Tradisi mengatakan bahwa ia berkhotbah di beberapa negara, kemudian menerjemahkan Injil Matius ke dalam bahasa India Timur dan mengajarkannya di negara itu. Musuh-musuhnya bangsa kafir dengan kejam memukuli dan menyalibkannya.

13. Tomas

Tomas memberitakan Injil ke Persia, Parthia, dan India. Di Calamina, India, ia disiksa oleh orang kafir yang marah, tubuhnya ditusuk tombak dan dilemparkan ke dalam nyala api oven.

14. Lukas

Lukas seorang non-Yahudi, mungkin orang Yunani. Tidak diketahui kapan atau bagaimana ia bertobat. Ia seorang tabib di Troas dan mungkin bertobat di sana melalui penginjilan Paulus, karena sejak di Troas ia menggabungkan diri dengan kelompok Paulus dan mulai menempuh perjalanan bersama mereka. Perhatikan dalam Kisah Para Rasul 16:8-10, di Troas itulah Lukas mengubah ungkapan “mereka” menjadi “kita” dalam teks - “Setelah melintasi Misia, mereka sampai di Troas. Pada malam harinya tampaklah oleh Paulus suatu penglihatan: ada seorang Makedonia berdiri di situ dan berseru kepadanya, katanya: Menyeberanglah ke mari dan tolonglah kami! Setelah Paulus melihat penglihatan itu, segeralah kami mencari kesempatan untuk berangkat ke Makedonia karen a dari penglihatan itu kami menarik kesimpulan, bahwa Allah telah memanggil kami untuk memberitakan Injil kepada orang-orang di sana.”

Lukas pergi bersama Paulus ke Filipi, tetapi tidak dipenjarakan bersamanya dan tidak menempuh perjalanan bersama Paulus setelah ia dilepaskan. Ia tampaknya menjadikan Filipi sebagai rumahnya dan tinggal di sana beberapa lama. Setelah Paulus berkunjung kembali ke Filipi (Kisah Para Rasul 20:5-6) sekitar tujuh tahun kemudian, kita sekali lagi berjumpa Lukas. Sejak saat itu ia sekali lagi menempuh perjalanan bersama Paulus dan tinggal bersamanya selama perjalanannya ke Yerusalem (Kisah Para Rasul 20:6-21:18 ).

Namun, ia menghilang sekali lagi selama pemenjaraan Paulus di Yerusalem dan Kaisarea, serta hanya muncul kembali ketika Paulus mau menuju Roma (Kisah Para Rasul 27:1). Ia kemudian tinggal bersama Paulus selama pemenjaraannya yang pertama (Filemon 1:24; Kolose 4:14). Banyak ahli Alkitab percaya bahwa Lukas menulis Injilnya dan Kisah Para Rasul saat tinggal di Roma bersama Paulus pada masa itu. Se1ama pemenjaraan Paulus yang kedua, Lukas tampaknya tinggal di dekat atau bersama Paulus karena tepat sebelum kemartirannya, Paulus menulis surat kepada Timotius dan berkata, “Hanya Lukas yang tinggal dengan aku” (2 Timotius 4:11).

Sete1ah kematian Paulus, Lukas tampaknya meneruskan pemberitaan Injil seperti yang telah ia pe1ajari bersama Paulus. Kapan dan bagaimana persisnya ia mati tidak diketahui. Satu di antara sumber kuno menyatakan, “Ia melayani Tuhan tanpa gangguan karena ia tidak memiliki istri ataupun anak; dan pada saat ia berusia 84 ia jatuh tertidur di Boeatia (ternpat yang tidak dikenal), penuh dengan Roh Kudus.” Sumber awal lainnya mengatakan bahwa ia pergi ke Yunani untuk memberitakan Injil dan di sana ia menjadi martir dengan digantung pada pohon zaitun di Atena pada tahun 93 M.

15. Simon orang Zelot

Simon Orang Zelot, menginjil di daerah Mauritania, Africa, dan juga di Britania, dimana akhirnya dia disalib pada tahun 74 M.

16 Barnabas

Rasul Barnabas, kematiannya diperkirakan tahun 73 melalui proses penganiayaan.

17. Yohanes

Rasul Yohanes, saudara Yakobus, dipercaya mendirikan tujuh jemaat di Kitab Wahyu:
Smirna, Pergamus, Sardis, Filade1phia, Laodikia, Tiatira, dan Efesus. Dikatakan ia ditangkap di Efesus dan dibawa ke Roma tempat ia dilemparkan ke dalam tempat penggorengan yang diisi minyak yang mendidih, tetapi tidak melukainya. Akibatnya ia dilepaskan dan dibuang oleh Kaisar Domitian ke Pulau Patmos, tempat ia menulis Kitab Wahyu. Setelah dilepaskan dari Patmos ia kembali ke Efesus, temp at ia meninggal sekitar tahun 98 M. Ia satu-satunya rasul yang tidak mengalami kematian yang mengerikan.

Meskipun ada penganiayaan terus-menerus dan kematian yang mengerikan, Tuhan setiap hari menambahkan jiwa-jiwa ke dalam gereja. Gereja sekarang berakar kuat dalam doktrin rasul-rasul serta diairi dengan limpah dengan darah orang-orang kudus. Gereja dipersiapkan untuk menghadapi penganiayaan yang kejam yang akan datang.

John Foxe, Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, Kisah Para Martir tahun 35-2001, Andi, 2001.
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* Yohanes 15:18-20
15:18 “Jikalau dunia membenci kamu, ingatlah bahwa ia telah lebih dahulu membenci Aku dari pada kamu.
15:19 Sekiranya kamu dari dunia, tentulah dunia mengasihi kamu sebagai miliknya. Tetapi karena kamu bukan dari dunia, melainkan Aku telah memilih kamu dari dunia, sebab itulah dunia membenci kamu.
15:20 Ingatlah apa yang telah Kukatakan kepadamu: Seorang hamba tidaklah lebih tinggi dari pada tuannya. Jikalau mereka telah menganiaya Aku, mereka juga akan menganiaya kamu; jikalau mereka telah menuruti firman-Ku, mereka juga akan menuruti perkataanmu.

Saksi/ kesaksian, Ibrani ‘ANA (harfiah,‘menjawab’), Yunani ‘martureo’, dan kata-kata yg berakar padanya martus, marturia dan marturion. Saksi ialah orang yg memberi kesaksian tentang sesuatu yg ia sendiri telah melihatnya. Kesaksian adalah tanggung jawab berat, teristimewa dalam kasus yg diancam dengan hukuman mati. Apabila terbukti tertuduh bersalah, maka para saksi memimpin regu pelaksana hukuman mati itu (lihat Kisah 7:58 ).

Para rasul adalah saksi-saksi utama tentang hidup dan kebangkitan Kristus (Yohanes 21 :24; Kisah 1 :22; 2 Petra 1 :6). Dalam gereja purba kata Yunani “martus” menjadi terbatas, terutama untuk menyebut mereka yg setia kepada imannya kendati sampai mati sekalipun. Penggunaan kata itu dalam arti demikian dikenal di Indonesia sebagai martir. Dalam dunia Kristen modern, ‘kesaksian’ berarti cerita tentang apa yg dikerjakan Kristus atas hidup seseorang, menjadi pengalaman pribadi orang itu.

Sebagian besar dari kita mungkin telah menikmati keuntungan atau kenyamanan sebagai umat Kristiani sehingga kita seringkali melupakan orang-orang percaya yang penuh keberanian yang sedemikian banyak telah mempertaruhkan hidupnya demi Kekristenan. Darah para martir/saksi itu telah mengairi ladang, menghasilkan tuaian, dan mempercepat pertumbuhan kekristenan di seluruh dunia.

Dalam Matius 16:18 dicatat bahwa Yesus memberi tahu murid-murid, “Aku akan mendirikan jemaat-Ku dan alam maut [Hades] tidak akan menguasainya.” Tiga hal utama yang bisa dicatat dalam kata-kata Yesus ini:

1. Kristus akan mendirikan jemaat di dunia ini;
2. Jemaat-Nya akan diserang dengan dahsyat;
3. Tidak satu pun serangan si jahat yang akan menghancurkanjemaat-Nya.

Jika menengok ke be1akang sepanjang sejarah gereja, kita bisa melihat bahwa kata-kata Yesus telah digenapi di setiap abad - sejarah gereja yang mulia membuktikan firmanNya.

Pertama, tanpa diragukan ada gereja Kristus yang sejati dalam dunia ini. Kedua, setiap tingkat pemimpin keagamaan dan sekuler beserta bawahan mereka secara terbuka serta dengan kekuatan penuh dengan setiap sarana yang licik dan penuh tipu daya dalam tindakan mereka, mencela serta menganiaya gereja yang benar itu. Ketiga, gereja telah bertahan dan memegang kesaksian mereka tentang Kristus melalui setiap serangan yang dilakukan terhadapnya. Perjalanan gereja menembus badai yang disebabkan oleh kemarahan dan kebencian yang hebat sangat mulia untuk dilihat serta banyak kisah sejarahnya telah dicatat sehingga karya Allah yang ajaib hanya bagi kemuliaan Kristus dan pengetahuan tentang pengalaman para martir gereja bisa memberikan dampak yang positif bagi para pembacanya serta memperkuat iman mereka.

Orang pertama yang menderita bagi gereja adalah Yesus sendiri – bukan sebagai martir, tentu saja, tetapi sebagai inspirasi dan sumber semua kemartiran. Kisah penderitaan dan penyaliban - Nya dikisahkan dalam Alkitab dengan sangat baik sehingga kita tidak perlu menuliskannya di sini. Cukup dikatakan bahwa kebangkitan-Nya setelah itu mengalahkan niat orang-orang Yahudi dan memberikan keberanian serta arah yang baru; dan menyegarkan bagi murid-rnurid-Nya. Dan setelah mereka menerima kuasa Roh Kudus pada hari Pentakosta, mereka selanjutnya dipenuhi dengan keyakinan dan keberanian yang mereka butuhkan untuk memberitakan nama-Nya. Keyakinan dan keberanian mereka yang baru, benar-benar membingungkan para pemimpin Yahudi serta mengejutkan semua orang yang mendengarnya.

1. Stefanus

Orang kedua yang menderita dan mati bagi gereja adalah Stefanus, yang namanya berarti “mahkota” (Kisah Para Rasul 6-8 ). Ia menjadi martir karena memberitakan Injil kepada orang-orang yang telah membunuh Yesus dengan setia. Mereka menjadi begitu marah mendengar hal yang ia katakan kepada mereka sehingga mereka mendorongnya keluar kota dan melemparinya dengan batu sampai mati. Kemartiran Stefanus terjadi 8 tahun setelah penyaliban Tuhannya. Itu berarti kematiannya terjadi pada tahun 35 M karena sesungguhnya Yesus dianggap lahir pada tahun 6 S.M. sekitar dua tahun sebelum Herodes Agung mati pada tahun 4 S.M. (lihat Matius 2:16).

Kebencian yang sama akibat kebencian mereka terhadap Stefanus menyebabkan timbulnya penganiayaan besar terhadap semua orang yang mengaku percaya kepada Kristus sebagai Mesias. Lukas mencatat, “Pada waktu itu mulailah penganiayaan yang hebat terhadap jemaat di Yerusalem. Mereka semua, kecuali rasul-rasul, tersebar ke seluruh daerah Yudea dan Samaria.” (Kisah Para Rasul 8:1). Selama waktu itu, sekitar 2.000 orang Kristen menjadi martir, termasuk Nikanor, satu dari tujuh diaken yang diangkat gereja (Kisah Para RasuI6:5).

2. Yakobus

Yakobus anak Zebedeus dan Salome merupakan kakak rasul Yohanes. Ia adalah rasul pertama yang menjadi martir dari antara 12 rasul (Kisah Para Rasul 12:2). Ia dihukum mati sekitar tahun 44 M oleh perintah Raja Herodes Agrippa I dari Yudea. Kemartirannya menjadi penggenapan dari hal yang di¬ramalkan Yesus ten tang ia dan saudaranya Yohanes (Markus 10:39).

Penulis terkenal, Clemens Alexandrinus, menulis bahwa ketika Yakobus dibawa menuju tempat eksekusinya, keberaniannya yang luar biasa menimbulkan kesan yang mendalam pada satu orang yang menangkapnya sehingga ia jatuh berte1ut di depan rasul itu, meminta ampun kepadanya, dan mengaku bahwa ia adalah orang Kristen juga. Ia berkata bahwa Yakobus jangan mati sendiri akibatnya mereka berdua dipenggal kepalanya.

Pada saat itu, Timon dan Parmenas, dua dari tujuh diaken, dihukum mati - yang satu di Filipi, yang lain di Makedonia.

3. Philipus

Ia lahir di Bethsaida, daerah Galilea. Tepat 10 tahun setelah kematian Yakobus, pada tahun 54 M Rasul Filipus dikatakan te1ah dihukum cambuk dan dilemparkan ke dalam penjara serta kemudian disalibkan di Hierapolis di Phrygia.

4. Matius

Hanya sedikit yang diketahui ten tang akhir hidup Rasul Matius, kapan dan bagaimana cara kematiannya, tetapi menurut legenda ia pergi ke Ethiopia dan bertemu dengan Kandake (lihat Kisah Para .Rasul 8:27). Beberapa tulisan mengatakan bahwa ia direbahkan di tanah dan dipancung kepalanya dengan halberd (atau halbert, senjata abad ke 15 atau ke-16 yang memiliki mata pisau seperti kapak dan ujung logam yang runcing pada ujung batangnya yang panjang) di kota Nadabah (atau Naddayar), Ethiopia, sekitar tahun 60 M.

5. Yakobus (Kecil)

Yakobus ini adalah saudara Yesus dan penulis surat Yakobus. Ia tampaknya menjadi pemimpin gereja di Yerusalem (lihat Kisah Para Rasul12:27; 15:13-29; 21:18-24). Waktu dan cara kematiannya, yang tepat, tidak diketahui dengan pasti meskipun dipercaya itu terjadi pada tahun 66 M. Menurut Flavius Josephus, ahli sejarah Yahudi, imam besar Ananus memerintahkan agar Yakobus dihukum mati dengan dirajam batu. Namun Hegesippus, penulis Kristen awal, mengutip ahli sejarah abad ke-3 Eusebius, berkata bahwa Yakobus dilemparkan dari menara Bait Allah. Versi tentang kematiannya lebih lanjut menyatakan bahwa ia tidak mati setelah dijatuhkan, jadi kepalanya dipukul dengan pentung yang lebih padat, yang mungkin adalah pentung yang digunakan untuk memukul pakaian, atau pukul besi yang digunakan oleh tukang besi.

6. Matias

Dipilih untuk menggantikan tempat Yudas Iskariot yang kosong, hampir tidak ada sesuatu yang diketahui tentangnya. Dikatakan bahwa ia dirajam batu di Yerusalem dan kemudian dipancung.

7. Andreas

Andreas adalah saudara Petrus (Matius 4,:18 ). Tradisi mengatakan bahwa ia memberitakan Injil kepada banyak bangsa Asia dan menjadi martir di Edessa dengan disalibkan pada kayu salib berbentuk X, yang kemudian dikenal sebagai Salib Santo Andreas.

8. Markus

Hanya sedikit hal yang diketahui tentang Markus kecuali hal yang tertulis dalam Perjanjian Baru tentangnya. Setelah Paulus menyebutnya dalam 2 Timotius 4:11, ia menghilang dari pandangan. Tradisi mengatakan bahwa ia diseret sampai tubuhnya terkoyak-koyak oleh orang Alexandria ketika ia berbicara menentang perayaan yang khidmat untuk berhala Serapis mereka.

9. Petrus

Satu-satunya kisah yang kita miliki tentang kemartiran Rasul Petrus berasal dari penulis Kristen awal, Hegesippus. Kisahnya mencakup penampakan Kristus yang ajaib. Ketika Petrus sudah tua (Yohanes 21:18 ), Nero merencanakan untuk menghukum mati Petrus. Ketika murid-rnurid mendengarnya, mereka memohon kepada Petrus untuk melarikan did dad kota itu [yang diyakini Roma] dan ia melakukannya. Namun, ketika ia sampai di pintu gerbang kota, ia melihat Kristus yang berjalan ke arahnya. Petrus menjatuhkan diri bertelut dan berkata, “Tuhan, Engkau mau pergi ke mana?” Kristus menjawab, “Saya datang untuk disalibkan lagi.” Melaluinya, Petrus tahu ini waktu untuk menderita dan mati bagi Yesus dan memuliakan Allah (Yohanes 21:19). Jadi, ia kembali ke kota. Setelah ditangkap dan dibawa ke tempat kemartiran. Menurut St. Jerome, ia meminta agar disalibkan dengan posisi terbalik karena ia memandang dirinya tidak layak untuk disalibkan dalam posisi yang sama dengan Tuhannya.

10. Paulus

Rasul Paulus dipenjarakan di Roma pada tahun 61 M dan di sana ia menulis surat-surat dari penjara: surat Efesus, surat Filipi, dan surat Kolose. Pemenjaraannya berakhir sekitar tiga tahun kemudian pada saat Roma dibakar, yang terjadi pada bulan Mei tahun 64 M (lihat Kisah Para Rasul 28:30). Sela¬rna kebebasannya yang singkat, Paulus mungkin telah mengunjungi Eropa barat dan timur serta Asia Kecil- ia juga menulis su¬rat kiriman pertama kepada Timotius dan surat kiriman kepada Titus.

Semula Nero disalahkan karena ia membakar kota Roma.Jadi, untuk mengalihkan tuduhan itu darinya ia menyalahkan orang-orang Kristen. Akibatnya, penganiayaan yang kejam mulai berkobar terhadap mereka. Pada masa itu, Paulus ditangkap dan dimasukkan kembali ke dalam penjara Roma. Sementara berada di penjara untuk kedua kali, ia menulis surat kedua kepada Timotius. Itu adalah surat terakhirnya.

Tidak lama sesudahnya, ia diputuskan bersalah karena melakukan kejahatan melawan Kaisar dan dihukum mati. Ia dibawa ke tiang eksekusi dan dipancung. Hal itu terjadi pada tahun 66 M, tepat empat tahun sebelum Yerusalem jatuh.

The Healer

The Healer

by Bonnie Franklin 1992

What do you see as you stand
Before the millions ministering for Me?
What do you hear as you see the falling tears
Of a mother, a son, a friend with her loved one?

What do you feel out under the lights?
The warmth of my presence the Father of lights.
What do you smell as the choir does sing?
The fragrance of incense - a Holy Offering.

What do you touch as you take someone’s hand?
A dear brother & sister
As they rise to walk again.
What do you know
As the Scriptures you quote?
Promises of long ago now coming true for you.

It is Me that you see
In the tears on their cheeks;
It is Me that you feel
As they do sing the anthems sweet.

It is Me that you hear
As they shout loud and clear,
“I am healed; I am free;
The Lord has touched Me!”
It is Me that you do see
Down deep in their eyes
As they reach out their hands
As you walk and pass by.

Yes, it is Me now in thee
That they can see in you.
I Am in everything that you say and you do;
I Am in your smile as you look upon their face;
I Am in your touch and your loving embrace;
I Am in your jump as you do leap so with glee;
I Am in the many crowds that follow closely.

It is Me, my sons, that they see
As I live now through you
For the old man had died
And the new one shines through.
It’s the light of my Spirit
And the hope of my dreams
The joy of my presence
They can sense now through thee
And as you do humbly allow Me
To be in thee.

Yea, shall all men now know
And all men now see
The light of my Spirit
And the joy of my face
The love of my heart
As each child you so lovingly take.

It is Me that they love
And as I do so love you
I will walk nigh in friendship
For I’ve discipled you now, too.
Walk on, my Peter
Stand tall, my Paul
Doubt not, my Thomas,
Frail not, my son, John.

Will you all be
Apostles for Me?
Ones, who will teach, train and lead?
And surely, I also will you companions bring
As Paul had my Silas,
And Barnabas and Timothy
As James had his Peter and Andrew and John
Yea, there are others who are coming
To follow close to my Son.

So, go forth and proclaim ye
The great Good News;
The Messiah is coming
The Scriptures are true.
“Rise and be healed”
“He touched me” it’s true;
The songs of the redeemed,
Of the souls set free,
Now resound deep within in you.

Raise your voice now
And with the Angels sing to the sky,
“Yeshua, it is you and not I
You are come that they might have life
And life more abundantly;
You are come to heal the sick
And to set the captives free;
You are come to raise the dead
And to make the blind eyes to see;
You are come to restore the hope
Of life eternally in the hearts of humanity.”

“You are come to heal the deaf
And to make the children speak again;
You are come, so that the lame might stand
And rise to walk again;
You are come to loose the tongue
That the voices might sing again;
You are come, to show one and all,
I Am, that I Am, that I Am.”

Written for Alfian Palar

Sejarah Gereja Karismatik Dunia

Sejarah Gereja Karismatik Dunia
100 Peristiwa Penting dalam Sejarah Kristen

Sumber :
A. Kenneth Curtis, J. Stephen Lang & Randy Petersen, 100 Peristiwa Penting dalam Sejarah Kristen, Immanuel, 1999.

Tahun dan Peristiwa

Tahun-tahun di bawah ini merupakan beberapa yang terpenting dalam sejarah gereja.

Tahun - Peristiwa

1) 64 Roma Terbakar

2) 70 Titus Menghancurkan Yerusalem

3) ±150 Yustinus Martir Menulis Apologynya

4) ±156 Kemartiran Polikarpus

5) 177 Irenaeus Menjadi Uskup Lyons

6) ±196 Tertullianus Mulai Menulis Buku-buku Kristen

7) ±205 Origenes Mulai Menulis

8) 251 Cyprianus Menulis On the Unity of the Church

9) 270 Antonius Memulai Hidupnya sebagai Pertapa

10) 312 Pertobatan Konstantinus

11) 325 Konsili Nicea

12) 367 Surat Athanasius Mengakui Kanon Perjanjian Baru

13) 385 Uskup Ambrosius Menentang Ratu

14) 387 Pertobatan Agustinus

15) 398 Yohanes Chrysostomus Menjadi Uskup Konstantinopel

16) 405 Hieronimus Menyelesaikan Vulgata

17) 432 Patrick Berangkat sebagai Misionaris ke Irlandia

18) 451 Konsili Chalcedon

19) 529 Benedictus dari Nursia Mendirikan Ordo Biaranya

20) 563 Columba Berangkat sebagai Misionaris ke Skotlandia

21) 590 Gregorius I menjadi Paus

22) 664 Sinode Whitby

23) 716 Bonifatius Berangkat sebagai Misionaris

24) 731 Bede yang Patut Dipuja Menyelesaikan Karyanya Sejarah Gereja Bangsa Inggris

25) 732 Pertempuran Tours

26) 800 Karel Agung Dinobatkan Menjadi Kaisar

27) 863 Cyrillus dan Methodius Mengabarkan Injil kepada Orangorang Slavia

28) 909 Biara Didirikan di Cluny

29) 988 Pertobatan Vladimir, Pangeran Rusia

30) 1054 Skisma Gereja Timur dan Barat

31) 1093 Anselmus Menjadi Uskup Agung Canterbury

32) 1095 Paus Urbanus II Melancarkan Perang Salib Pertama

33) 1115 Bernardus Mendirikan Biara di Clairvaux

34) ±1150 Universitas Paris dan Universitas Oxford Didirikan

35) 1173 Peter Waldo Memulai Gerakan Kaum Waldens

36) 1206 Fransiskus dari Asisi Meninggalkan Kekayaannya

37) 1215 Konsili Lateran Keempat

38) 1273 Thomas Aquinas Menyelesaikan Karyanya Summa Theologica

39) 1321 Dante Menyelesaikan The Divine Comedy

40) 1378 Catherina dari Siena Pergi ke Roma untuk Mendamaikan Skisma Besar

41) ±1380 Wycliffe Mengawasi Penerjemahan Alkitab ke dalam Bahasa Inggris

42) 1415 Yohanes Hus Dibakar pada Tiang Pancang

43) 1456 Johann Gutenberg Membuat Alkitab Cetak yang Pertama

44) 1478 Pendirian Inkuisisi Spanyol

45) 1498 Savonarola Dieksekusi

46) 1512 Michelangelo Menyelesaikan Langit-langit Kapel Sistina

47) 1517 Martin Luther Memampangkan Sembilan Puluh Lima Dalilnya

48) 1523 Zwingli Memimpin Reformasi Swiss

49) 1525 Gerakan Anabaptis Dimulai

50) 1534 Undang-undang Supremasi Henry VIII

51) 1536 Yohanes Calvin Menerbitkan Institutio: Pengajaran Agama Kristen

52) 1540 Paus Mengakui Kaum Yesuit

53) 1545 Pembukaan Konsili Trente

54) 1549 Cranmer Menciptakan Buku Doa Umum

55) 1559 John Knox Kembali ke Skotlandia untuk Memimpin Reformasi

56) 1572 Pembantaian pada Hari Santo Bartolomeus

57) 1608-1609 John Smyth Membaptis Orang-orang Baptis Pertama

58) 1611 Penerbitan Alkitab Versi Raja James

59) 1620 Para Peziarah Menandatangani Perjanjian Mayflower

60) 1628 Comenius Diusir dari Negerinya

61) 1646 Pengakuan Iman Westminster

62) 1648 George Fox Mendirikan Society of Friends

63) 1662 Rembrandt Menyelesaikan Lukisan Kembalinya Anak Hilang

64) 1675 Philip Jacob Spener Menerbitkan Pia Desideria

65) 1678 Karya John Bunyan The Pilgrim’s Progress Diterbitkan

66) 1685 Kelahiran Johann Sebastian Bach dan George Frederic Handel

67) 1707 Penerbitan Hymns and Spritual Songs Karya Isaac Watts

68) 1727 Kebangunan Rohani di Herrnhut Mengawali Moravian Brethren

69) 1735 Kebangunan Rohani Besar di bawah Jonathan Edwards

70) 1738 Pertobatan John Wesley

71) 1780 Robert Raikes Memulai Sekolah Minggu

72) 1793 William Carey Berlayar Menuju India

73) 1807 Parlemen inggris Mengadakan Pemungutan Suara untuk Menghapuskan Perdagangan Budak

74) 1811 Para Campbell Mengawali Gerakan Disciples of Christ

75) 1812 Adoniram dan Ann Judson Berlayar Menuju India

76) 1816 Richard Allen Mendirikan Gereja Episkopal Methodis Afrika

77) 1817 Elizabeth Fry Mengawali Pelayanan bagi Narapidana Perempuan di Penjara

78) 1830 Mulainya Kebangunan Rohani Perkotaan oleh Charles G. Finney

79) ±1830 John Nelson Darby Membantu Mengawali Plymouth Brethren

80) 1833 Khotbah John Keble tentang “Murtad Nasional” Memicu Gerakan Oxford

81) 1854 Hudson Taylor Tiba di Cina

82) 1854 Soren Kierkegaard Menerbitkan Serangan terhadap Kekristenan

83) 1854 Charles Haddon Spurgeon Menjadi Imam di London

84) 1855 Pertobatan Dwight L. Moody

85) 1857 David Livingstone Menerbitkan Missionary Travels

86) 1865 William Booth Mendirikan Bala Keselamatan

87) 1870 Paus Pius IX Memproklamasikan Doktrin Infalibilitas Paus

88) 1886 Gerakan Relawan Mahasiswa Dimulai

89) 1906 Kebangunan Rohani Azusa Street Memunculkan Aliran Pentakostalisme

90) 1910-1915 Penerbitan Buku The Fundamentals Memunculkan Gerakan Fundamentalis

91) 1919 Tafsiran Surat Roma oleh Karl Bath Diterbitkan

92) 1921 Radio Kristen Pertama Mengudara

93) 1934 Cameron Townsend Memulai Institut Linguistik Musim Panas

94) 1945 Dietrich Bonhoeffer Dieksekusi Nazi

95) 1948 Dewan Gereja-gereja se-Dunia Terbentuk

96) 1949 Kampanye Los Angeles Billy Graham

97) 1960 Berawalnya Pembaruan Karismatik Modern

98) 1962 Konsili Vatikan II Dimulai

99) 1963 Martin Luther King, Jr., Memimpin Pawai ke Washington

100) 1966-1976 Gereja Cina Bertumbuh tanpa Terusik Revolusi Kebudayaan

PendahuluanSepuluh peristiwa terpenting apa yang pernah terjadi dalam kehidupan Anda selama kurun waktu lima tahun terakhir ini? Sekarang tanyakanlah kepada ayah, puteri, suami atau istri, atau dua orang sahabat karib Anda untuk menjawab pertanyaan yang sama tentang diri Anda. Segera Anda menyadari bahwa cara pandang kita terhadap suatu peristiwa bisa berbeda dengan orang lain, termasuk mereka yang sangat dekat dengan kita.Sekarang marilah kita mengakui bahwa tidak seorang pun dapat dengan pasti menunjuk tanggal-tanggal terpenting dalam sejarah gereja. Tentunya, daftar yang ada pada Tuhan tentang hal itu mungkin akan sangat berbeda dengan daftar yang kita buat.
Kami tidak bermaksud menjadi wasit resmi untuk menentukan peristiwa apa yang terpenting dalam kehidupan gereja pada abad-abad lampau. Namun kami berupaya menampilkan selintas berbagai peristiwa dalam sejarah umat Tuhan yang rumit. Peristiwa tersebut diharapkan akan memberi garis-garis besar serta para pelaku yang telah membentuk kekristenan kepada yang bukan sejarawan dan bukan pengamat.Banyak orang Kristen dewasa ini ingin mengetahui lebih banyak tentang asal-usul keyakinan mereka serta berapa banyak ajaran dan praktik gereja mereka yang telah terwujud. Namun mereka tidak mempunyai waktu atau kecenderungan membaca karya akademis yang berjilid-jilid banyaknya. Hanya buku semacam inilah yang dapat memberikan kepuasan bagi kehausan mereka. Bagi orang-orang non-Kristen, buku ini merupakan buku acuan andal untuk lebih mengenal para tokoh terkemuka, berbagai gerakan, makna dan peristiwa-peristiwa dalam sejarah kekristenan yang panjang.Kami memulai sejarah gereja setelah (atau setidak-tidaknya yang di luar) peristiwa-peristiwa yang tercatat dalam Perjanjian Baru. Jelas bahwa kebangkitan, pertobatan Paulus, Konsili Yerusalem dan sebagainya adalah peristiwa-peristiwa penting dalam sejarah gereja. Namun di mana kita harus berhenti? Oleh karenanya, kami memilih hanya peristiwa-peristiwa yang tidak tercatat dalam Perjanjian Baru.Kami tidak menyusun beragam peristiwa tersebut menurut urutan pentingnya, tetapi secara kronologis agar dapat menelusuri abad demi abad.Beberapa pilihan yang bernilai tinggi telah kami lewatkan karena kami merasa bahwa hal itu dapat digabungkan dengan peristiwa lain. Misalnya, karena survei telah membuktikan bahwa Ninety-Five Theses Luther dan Diet of Worms ada kaitan satu sama lain, maka kami hanya menyertakan judul pertama yang meliputi keduanya.Peristiwa-peristiwa lainnya telah disertakan bukan saja karena pentingnya tetapi bagaimana dampak peristiwa-peristiwa itu, atau betapa keadaan akan berbeda, jika peristiwa-peristiwa tersebut tidak terjadi. Misalnya Sidang Sinode Whitby tidak mungkin tercatat sebagai salah satu persidangan gereja besar, tetapi sangatlah penting bahwa Gereja Inggris memilih untuk bersatu dengan Roma pada waktu itu. Sejarah mungkin akan berbeda jika mereka memilih alternatif lain.

Kami juga rnenyertakan beberapa hal yang mungkin terkesan direkayasa dan mengada-ada. Dunia tidak berubah, begitu gereja, pada saat kelahiran Bach dan Handel. Namun, tidak menyertakan sumbangsih musik mereka bagi kehidupan ibadah sungguh akan merupakan suatu cacat. Oleh karena itu, beberapa peristiwa disertakan di sini khususnya karena nilai simbolisnya.

Meskipun demikian, terdapat beberapa alternatif menarik yang kami tidak sertakan dalam kurun waktu dua dasawarsa terakhir, karena kita masih sangat dekat dengan peristiwa-peristiwa itu untuk perspektif yang dibutuhkan.

Mungkin ada cemoohan atas pilihan-pilihan kami yang lebih banyak berbicara tentang dunia Barat, kaum lelaki, Protestan dan kaum evangelikal. Di satu pihak, memang hal ini tak terelakkan, dan di lain pihak hal ini mencerminkan bias kami.

Tetapi kami tidak bersikukuh bahwa pilihan kami inilah yang final. Sebenarnya dari awal kami mengharaukan tanggapan para pembaca yang ingin menyodorkan kemungkinan adanya peristiwaperistiwa laip yang dapat disertakan atau yang dapat dilewatkan. Untuk itu kami mengundang para pembaca agar menulis pendapatnya kepada kami, disertai dengan alasan-alasan rinci. Jika tanggapan tersebut cukup meyakinkan, maka kami akan menerbitkan jilid kedua dengan judul “Kejadiankejadian Penting Lain dalam Sejarah Gereja” (More Important Events in Church History). Kami mengundang mereka yang ingin memberi komentar mengenai jilid kedua untuk menulis. Kirimkan kepada: Ken Curtis, Christian History Institute, Box 540, Worcester, PA 19490, atau Fax ke 215-584. 4610.

Ketika saya menjabat sebagai editor majalah Christian History, kami menulis kepada para pelanggan dan meminta mereka mengirimkan peristiwa-peristiwa yang mereka anggap layak dibukukan. Kemudian, setelah memilah-milah dan menyusun daftar ini, kami mengirimnya kembali kepada mereka ‘dengan catatan agar mereka dapat menandai pilihan-pilihan yang mereka setujui dan yang tidak disetujui; serta menambahkan, bila perlu, hal-hal yang tidak tercantum. Jawaban mereka mewujudkan daftar baru. Sebuah survei juga telah dilayangkan kepada para anggota American Society of Church History, sebuah kelompok sejarawan gereja profesional. Dalam memilih judul-judul peristiwa yang terdapat dalam buku ini, hasil survei tersebut mendapat perhatian cukup, meskipun saya yang bertanggung jawab dalam pemilihan final.

Sejak semula, dengan melakukan pemilihan, kami sepenuhnya sadar bahwa beberapa hal terpenting sungguh sukar dikenali dan diukur. Kami seperti bendaharawan di Bait Allah yang mungkin tidak menghiraukan pentingnya “uang keping yang dipersembahkan seorang janda”. Yesus telah menjelaskan bahwa cinta kasih merupakan tanda istimewa para pengikut-Nya. Ia juga berbicara tegas akan hal-hal sederhana seperti memberikan secangkir air atas nama-Nya. Banyak isi buku ini yang merefleksikan kualitas dasar kekristenan. Namun, apa saja sesungguhnya yang terpenting tidak akan kita ketahui hingga hari penghakiman umat manusia, yang memperlihatkan mana gandum dan mana debu jerami.

Ken Curtis